What is STANAG?

There are numerous STANAGs covering a wide range of topics, including communications, logistics, intelligence, and training. Some examples include STANAG 6001, which specifies the requirements for NATO military personnel language proficiency, and STANAG 4586, which defines the standards for interoperability of military data systems.

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Of warships and cybersecurity: the challenges of modernization in times of digitalization

Navies are constantly modernising their fleet through digitalization programmes. To take advantage of new communication technologies and their numerous benefits such as real-time decision making and information sharing, former air gapped systems are being connected with the IT world. Consequently, sensitive networks are being integrated with less secure ones. Modern warships are designed to take […]

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How AI can support classified information protection & cross domain solutions

Recommendation algorithms and automated checks of classified documents as well as anomaly detection using Deep Learning at critical network transitions can increase information assurance and trustworthiness when dealing with sensitive data Artificial intelligence (AI) is a current trending topic in digitization. The development has been rapid so far and sure enough, AI is yet to […]

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