Video: Erfolgreiches Innovationsmanagement bei der Bundeswehr – eine Frage der Führungskultur?


Moderation: Generalmajor a.D. Reinhard Wolski, Behörden Spiegel Generalmajor Dr. Michael Färber, Kommandeur des Kommandos Informationstechnik der Bundeswehr Prof. Dr. Christoph Igel, Forschungsdirektor und Geschäftsführer der Agentur für Innovation in der Cybersicherheit des BMVg und BMI Matthias Görtz, CTO & VP Innovation & Technology, BWI GmbH Marc Akkermann, Director National Sales & Director Capital Office Berlin, […]

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Video: Overcoming the Cyber Capability Sharing Barrier


NATO members are used to sharing military assets and capabilities, especially military hardware such as tanks, bases, infantry divisions or fighter jets. Sharing offensive and defensive Cyber capabilities are important for today’s military operations in peace time and conflict. However, they are facing similar challenges as intelligence sharing is among allies, especially in times that […]

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