OSINT OPERATIONS and CROSS DOMAIN SOLUTIONS (CDS): How CDS can help OSINT activities and overcome technological challenges OSINT or Open-source intelligence relates to the gathering of data through public sources which are processed, analyzed, and disseminated, so that this data becomes valued information/ intelligence. The data can be collected from various but only publicly available […]
Air Gapping and Cross Domain Solutions in a Nutshell
An air gap, also known as a “separation gap,” is a security measure used to physically isolate a computer or networks with different security requirements amongst each other. Air gaps are still widely used in today’s high security domains, mainly because of their alleged high security and they are implemented mainly through the use of […]
Cyberthreats to the Shipping Industry and how to mitigate them
When thinking about cybersecurity or cyberthreats, most people will have in mind server rooms full of blinking lights, SOCs where network operations are monitored by cyber teams or evil hackers wearing a black sweater trying to break into some kind of hi-tech datacenter. Nobody would ever think about one of the thousands of bulky, low-tech […]
Of warships and cybersecurity: the challenges of modernization in times of digitalization
Navies are constantly modernising their fleet through digitalization programmes. To take advantage of new communication technologies and their numerous benefits such as real-time decision making and information sharing, former air gapped systems are being connected with the IT world. Consequently, sensitive networks are being integrated with less secure ones. Modern warships are designed to take […]
Protection des réseaux d’importance vitale en France
Depuis 2006, les infrastructures critiques ont été reconnues par le Gouvernement français comme stratégiques pour la sécurité du pays[1]. Faisant le constat de l’importance de leurs activités et du nombre croissant d’attaques-cyber pesant sur elles, la France s’est depuis dotée d’une règlementation complète afin d’assurer leur sécurité et résilience. C’est l’un des premiers pays à […]
Sécuriser les échanges de données sensibles avec des passerelles d’interconnexion
Les systèmes et données hautement sensibles sont normalement séparés d’Internet et des autres systèmes moins critiques. Cette séparation est réalisée par l’isolement de ces systèmes critiques, méthode connue sous le nom d’air gap. Bien que cette isolation protège efficacement contre tous risques d’exfiltration de données et d’attaques de logiciels malveillants, le risque de cyberattaques n’est […]
Solving data sovereignty and classified information protection issues with the F-35 ALIS / ODIN system
US Military, Non-US partners and potential users of Lockheed Martin’s (LMCO), an American aerospace & defense corporations, F-35 Lightning II, an all-weather multi-role stealth aircraft, have concerns about the planes data collection and sharing activities or cybersecurity posture. It appears these reports even led some countries to consider cancelling their participation. The F35’s Autonomic Logistics […]
Soluciones de Dominio Cruzado: ¿Por qué son fundamentales en los procesos de digitalización con datos sensibles?
Los sistemas y activos de datos (dominios) altamente confidenciales suelen estar separados de Internet o de sistemas menos críticos. La separación se consigue mediante el aislamiento, conocido como “brecha de aire”. Dicho aislamiento dificulta considerablemente la exfiltración de datos, así como la infección por programas informáticos malignos. Sin embargo, los ciberataques pueden seguir produciéndose de […]